What is web 3.0 ?
Web 3.0 is the next era of internet
Blog by Vinay - Published at Mon, 20 Mar 2023 10:53:30 GMT
Web 3.0 is the next of the internet which solves the existing problem of lack of data ownership by users .
It is transparent, distributed and immutable , So no one can tamper the data once its written into the chain.
Before Diving deep , lets quickly compare between web1.0, web2.0 , web 3.0 :
- Web 1.0 : All the webapplications built on the top of internet are static , which means users cannot write the content but only read the content.
- Web 2.0 : In web 2.0 users can read the content , also write the content , which means web-applications being built on top of internet has the capability to be dynamic . This gave a massive boom for the Social Media, but the problem is users cannot have control of thier own data and the webApplications are dependent on servers.
- Web 3.0 : It is the next era of the internet where users can read, write and also own their content. This is powered by distributed ledger technology . All the applications ( DAPPs ) being built on top of this distributed system will have a ~100% uptime.